vendredi 15 février 2013

IB Language B Written Assignment INFO & Prep

IB Language B Written Assignment Preparation

Your IB Language B Written Assignment will be completed during TWO class periods – February 26 and 28, 2013.  The core topic chosen is Customs and Traditions.  You are encouraged to study customs and traditions in preparation for the assignment.  I would suggest that your Yabla studies focus on this topic for the next few weeks. 

You will have 3 hours to complete your assignment.  This timing includes the reading of the given sources, writing of a draft, and of the final text(300-400 words) and rationale (100 words).  The day of the assignment, you will need to choose a subject within the given topic.  Your subject must link to the 3 sources that will be provided by the teacher.  Your teacher may assist and guide your decision as to a subject.  Once this decision is made, there may be no further assistance.  Your chosen specific subject may not be the same as another student.  The written assignment must be handwritten in French during class. You are invited and encouraged to bring dictionaries (I suggest French-English AND English only dictionaries, in case a word you don’t understand in French is translated the same in both languages), conjugation charts, textbooks, and other non-annotated reference materials.

The assignment is to be 300-400 words, with a 100-word rationale. 

The task:  The subject should have a specific focus.  The content must be linked to the core topic and based on the information gathered from the three sources (articles, blogs, interviews, etc.)  Students should produce a piece of writing, in the form of one of the following text types:  article, blog/diary entry, brochure/leaflet/flyer/pamphlet/advertisement, essay, interview, speech/talk/presentation, news report, official report, review, instructions/guidelines, or written correspondence.

The rationale:  Students must write a 100-word rationale introducing the assignment, stating their aim(s) and how their aim(s) have been achieved.

*You will be deducted 1 mark for failing to write between 300-400 words.  Direct quotation is permitted, but does NOT count toward word count.  If you exceed the 400 word limit, your assignment will be graded according to the first 400 words and rationale.


*You will be assessed on four assessment criteria:  Language (8 marks), Content (10 marks), Format (4 marks), and Rationale (3 marks) for a total of 25 marks.  Specific rubrics will be provided to you next week in class.


QUESTIONS TO ANSWER:  These answers will be due by WEDNESDAY, Feb. 20, 2013: (en FRANÇAIS!!)

1.       Quel est le sujet choisi pour vous?

2.       Quels vidéos sur Yabla (qui se rapporte au sujet) as-tu trouvé (au moins 2)?

3.       Qu’est-ce que tu connais déjà du sujet?

4.       Quels types de texte préfères-tu d’utiliser?  pourquoi?

5.       Quels coutumes et traditions as-tu dans ta famille?

2 commentaires:

  1. D'accord je le ferrai maintenant .

    -Yajaira Peralta

  2. Found your blog searching for some IB ideas from fellow IB teachers and noticed yours. Very well done and organized. I couldn't help but notice...that you put for a core topic, what I believe is an option, "coutumes et traditions". Aren't the 3 core topics Communication and media,Global issues and Social relationships with the 5 options being Cultural diversity,Customs and traditions, Health, Leisure and Science and technology. Just thought I'd mention it.
